Social media



It’s perhaps interesting many of the marketers who are taking social media seriously are seeing a campaign platform rather than a fundamental change in the way the business communicates and, indeed, behaves. That’s fair enough, it’s a wise person who dips a toe in the water before going for the full-on dive bomb and it […]

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Mr. Futurist

Filed in Mobile, Social media, Technology by on July 31, 2009 0 Comments
Mr. Futurist

The way we talk to technology and the way we talk to each other is changing at a pace that I can only describe as frightening. You understand, the ‘f’ word is coming from a life-long technocrat. Right now, we type on mobile keypads to retrieve or dial a number. We sit, fingers crashing down […]

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How do you manage a social media campaign?

How do you manage a social media campaign?

How do you manage a ‘social media’ campaign? The breaking down of barriers that Internet communication has encouraged is probably faster and more fundamental than many communications managers realise. One major problem is the challenge of speed – you can no longer take a few days to respond to a media enquiry while your exec […]

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Social media predictions

Filed in Facebook, Social media, Twitter by on July 30, 2009 0 Comments
Social media predictions

Here are some ‘social media’ predictions for 2009, just for fun. Why social media? Well, my first prediction is that we’re going to see a lot more fuss about ‘social media’ here in the Middle East in 2009. And the trick there will be sorting the wheat from the chaff – because you’re about to […]

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