Tag: digital
Counting clicks

There was a good vibe at the Click 7.0 Digital Marketing Event today. Chairing the event, I did expect to see a slightly larger crowd, which was a huge shame as the day turned out to be one of the most varied, diverse and insightful I remember from a Dubai event in a long time. […]
Looking forward to ArabNet 2012

This week, from the 27th-31st March, will see the fourth ArabNet and it’ll be the fourth time I go along for the conference. It’s not all about the conference, though – the event is being billed as a festival and it’s shaping up to be just that, with five days of events with a developer […]
Alexander at MediaME Forum 2011

Spot On PR Director Alexander McNabb spoke at the MediaME Forum 2011 in Amman, Jordan earlier this week about digital public relations and reputation management. The annual event organised by Middle East advertising and marketing portal MediaME was attended by some 300-400 advertising, marketing, public relations and digital professionals from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and around […]
Hiring PR people for the digital age

What skill sets should PR job candidates have in the digital age? Carrington Malin explains how Spot On PR’s list of recruitment criteria just got even longer.
Who’s Afraid Of A Regulated Web?

French president Nicolas Sarkozy has come out and said he wants a regulated web – “You need to hear our limits, our red lines” he told an audience at the two-day ‘e-G8’ conference. The AP report is linked here. His is not the first whiff of regulatory sulphur, of course – only the other day […]
Does online marketing scare you?

Things are looking up for the online marketing community. Recent surveys and media reports widely credit the region’s online advertising spend to be growing fast and becoming increasingly important to more and more people. Although last year was a difficult one for many, some believe that this gave big advertisers pause for thought and time […]