Arrival of Apple Pay puts new pressure on UAE omnichannel strategies

Will the arrival of Apple Pay in the UAE create a new sense of urgency for aspiring omnichannel retailers? Now that the country has a wide choice of mobile payment options, mobile-first strategies should finally be able to pay their own way. Few can have missed the fanfare surrounding Apple Pay‘s launch in the UAE […]
To brands that have lost their voice: speak up!

In our new world of audience analysis, consumer behaviour statistics, sentiment research and trend watching, it’s easy to focus too much on analysing and not enough on actually communicating. Even the best marketing insights are wasted knowledge if a brand’s communications are simply too weak to make much difference anyway. Our marketing environment is now […]
5 old-world advertising mistakes to avoid

Digital technology has delivered one of the Internet’s great promises to marketing, the democratisation of information, opportunity and capability, allowing any brand to run an effective campaign and punch above its own weight. We’ve had to wait a long time for the pieces to fall into place and there are still puzzles to solve, but […]
A load of cobblers

At some point in reading our blog, you may well notice a gap in posts from 2014 to 2016. It’s a case of cobblers, to be honest… The old proverb that a cobbler’s children are the last to have shoes is probably never so true as it is when applied to the marketing and communications […]