It’s Social Media Forum time again!

The Social Media Forum is to take place in Dubai next week and it’s already sold out. This is interesting news for those in the Middle East who thought we really didn’t want to listen to another word about social media and don’t ‘need another talking shop’. I must admit, we’ve been avoiding the term […]
Communication first, technology second

As usual, Phil Lynagh’s column in the latest issue of Campaign Middle East magazine is bang on the money and this month he’s touched on a particular bug-bear of mine in ‘This social media bubble needs to pop‘. Having been more than a little prone to geekiness in my time, I am reminded of my […]
Looking forward to ArabNet 2012

This week, from the 27th-31st March, will see the fourth ArabNet and it’ll be the fourth time I go along for the conference. It’s not all about the conference, though – the event is being billed as a festival and it’s shaping up to be just that, with five days of events with a developer […]
Facebook down – thousands of brand pages inaccessible

Facebook may have been inaccessible for millions of Internet users across Europe, the Middle East and Africa for a couple of hours or so on Wednesday. Although the site itself appeared to be working, users across EMEA found that they couldn’t access the site at all. #Facebookdown became a global trending topic on Twitter in […]
Social media marketing in the UAE

How fast are UAE businesses adopting social media best practices? Dubai One TV’s Emirates 247 news programme interviewed Spot On’s Alexander McNabb about social media trends in the UAE and how social media is changing company communication. Watch the interview Dubai One TV Emirates 24/7 – 8pm February 14, 2012 (5.54 mins) Listen to a […]
Online advertising in the Middle East

Wednesday’s Dubai Eye radio’s #Unwired weekly digital programme featured a special segment on online advertising in the Middle East & North Africa featuring Spot On PR’s own Alexander McNabb; Professor John Grainger Pro-Vice Chancellor and Executive Vice President Academic Services of Murdoch University in Dubai; Kamal Dimachkie, Executive Regional Managing Director of Leo Burnett; Google […]
Alexander at MediaME Forum 2011

Spot On PR Director Alexander McNabb spoke at the MediaME Forum 2011 in Amman, Jordan earlier this week about digital public relations and reputation management. The annual event organised by Middle East advertising and marketing portal MediaME was attended by some 300-400 advertising, marketing, public relations and digital professionals from Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and around […]
The Freedom Meme

A new report from the University of Washington’s Project on Information Technology and Political Islam comes to the conclusion that social media played a central role in the events we have all come to call ‘The Arab Spring’. Ever since the events of early 2011 started to unfold around the region, there has been debate […]
Strong MENA interest in mobile apps

The latest Effective Measure | Spot On PR survey shows that 85 percent of mobile Internet users in the Arab world download apps.
Should you outsource your conversation?

There’s lots of stuff we do with clients building digital communications programmes, from SEO auditing through to setting up and populating social media platforms. But the one thing we recommend against is take the whole thing off your hands. There’s a problem with outsourcing your conversation, you see. It simply doesn’t work. We’ll happily work […]