Tag: social media marketing
Time to revisit your brand positioning?

Positioning development exercises have been part of our tool-set for many years and we’ve often found them to be voyages of discovery for both us and the brand in question. More often than not, the brief is to review quite minor adjustments to the brand’s messaging and, nine times out of ten, the process ends […]
A wake-up call for aspiring citizen journalists in the UAE (and lessons for Middle East marketers)

The story is now well known and has received media coverage around the world. An incident of road rage in Dubai captured on video by a bystander and posted online inadvertently breaches United Arab Emirates laws, resulting in the arrest of the citizen journalist a couple of days later, even though he removed the video […]
MENA Twitter lists

As our Twitter friends will know, Spot On is a big fan of Twitter and was one of the first brands to begin using the social media platform in the Middle East and North Africa. Over the years Twitter has helped us meet new people and brands from all over the world, find job candidates, […]
It’s Social Media Forum time again!

The Social Media Forum is to take place in Dubai next week and it’s already sold out. This is interesting news for those in the Middle East who thought we really didn’t want to listen to another word about social media and don’t ‘need another talking shop’. I must admit, we’ve been avoiding the term […]
Facebook down – thousands of brand pages inaccessible

Facebook may have been inaccessible for millions of Internet users across Europe, the Middle East and Africa for a couple of hours or so on Wednesday. Although the site itself appeared to be working, users across EMEA found that they couldn’t access the site at all. #Facebookdown became a global trending topic on Twitter in […]
Hiring PR people for the digital age

What skill sets should PR job candidates have in the digital age? Carrington Malin explains how Spot On PR’s list of recruitment criteria just got even longer.
Facebook Arabic Rising

User of Facebook’s Arabic language interface now account for more than a third of all Facebook users in the Arab world with Facebook Arabic growing at 175% per annum.
Should you outsource your conversation?

There’s lots of stuff we do with clients building digital communications programmes, from SEO auditing through to setting up and populating social media platforms. But the one thing we recommend against is take the whole thing off your hands. There’s a problem with outsourcing your conversation, you see. It simply doesn’t work. We’ll happily work […]
When social media programs grow up…
I’ve been doing quite a lot of speaking at ‘online’ conference events and workshops recently (this will surprise nobody who knows me) and consequently meeting a lot of people who are experimenting with social media within their organisations. It’s something of a growing trend – typically, one person within an organisation has been using Facebook […]