Tag: Spot On PR
Happy birthday @spotonpr

It’s five years ago tomorrow that Spot On PR joined Twitter! We haven’t bought a birthday cake or anything and we’re not asking for any presents either, but it does give us some pause for thought. A lot has happened in those five years. Barack Obama had just become a presidential nominee five years ago. […]
Hiring PR people for the digital age

What skill sets should PR job candidates have in the digital age? Carrington Malin explains how Spot On PR’s list of recruitment criteria just got even longer.
GITEX 2010 Social Media Dashboard
Its GITEX time again and GITEX 2010, the Middle East’s biggest regional IT show, takes place October 17th through 21st. So, just for a little fun, we’ve created a dashboard of social media updates using one of our favourite social media services, Netvibes: http://www.netvibes.com/gitex Netvibes can be a really useful tool and we often set […]
32% of MENA Internet users buy online

Hampered by a lack of online payment infrastructure and the high cost of broadband, e-commerce has been slow to develop in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and although there are some notable e-commerce pioneers, few online ventures in the region encourage Internet users to buy online. However, as the region’s consumers spend more […]
Media consumption & habits of MENA Internet users

Scroll down the page for survey download links The figures in our new Media Consumption & Habits of MENA Internet Users Survey simply confirm what everyone involved in the Middle East’s growing digital marketing industry has already been talking about for the past year or two: Internet connectivity has become pervasive amongst many of our […]
What happened to all our fans?

Last night Facebook changed some of the terminology on Spot On PR’s Facebook page. It’s something that has been talked about for the past few weeks (see Mashable story from March) and is being rolled out across Facebook and organisation’s Facebook pages. As a result, this morning our Facebook page fans are no longer called […]
Does online marketing scare you?

Things are looking up for the online marketing community. Recent surveys and media reports widely credit the region’s online advertising spend to be growing fast and becoming increasingly important to more and more people. Although last year was a difficult one for many, some believe that this gave big advertisers pause for thought and time […]