Tag: Youtube
Plenty of content marketing opportunity for Middle East brands

With some 60 million Facebook users, 7 million Twitter users and some of the highest Youtube download rates in the world, it’s no secret that the Arab world has become a big online consumer of content. Social media has ceased to be the sole preserve of geeks and wealthy English-speaking college students and, today, the Middle […]
Saudi plans to regulate Youtube

The Saudi government is planning to monitor and regulate YouTube and other online channels, having this week entrusted the task to its General Commission for Audiovisual Media, established last year to regulate the broadcast industry. There has even been talk of issuing permits to Youtube subscribers, which would appear to signal the introduction of a […]
A wake-up call for aspiring citizen journalists in the UAE (and lessons for Middle East marketers)

The story is now well known and has received media coverage around the world. An incident of road rage in Dubai captured on video by a bystander and posted online inadvertently breaches United Arab Emirates laws, resulting in the arrest of the citizen journalist a couple of days later, even though he removed the video […]
Intelligent use of social media

The chaps at Studio One wanted to explore how best to use social media, especially if you were starting out with a small business. What top five tips could we give an SME. Naturally, as so often happens with these things, we didn’t really stick to the top five tips and then ran out of […]
How ‘social’ was GITEX 2012?

The Middle East’s largest technology trade show, GITEX, took place at Dubai World Trade Centre last week, bringing an estimated 3,500 exhibitors from around the world together with more than 100,000 businessmen and IT professionals (estimates vary). That’s equivalent to about 20,000 visitors per day, plus more than 10,000 company representatives on stands each of […]
GITEX 2012 Social Buzz

* Go straight to GITEX 2012 Social Buzz dashboard * It’s nearly that time again! GITEX, the Middle East’s largest technology trade show, starts on Sunday, bringing the region’s IT industry together with attendees from all over the world. More than 100,000 people are expected to converge the Dubai World Trade Centre halls from October […]
GITEX 2010 Social Media Dashboard
Its GITEX time again and GITEX 2010, the Middle East’s biggest regional IT show, takes place October 17th through 21st. So, just for a little fun, we’ve created a dashboard of social media updates using one of our favourite social media services, Netvibes: http://www.netvibes.com/gitex Netvibes can be a really useful tool and we often set […]
Social media isn’t socialist media

The idea that social media is a new way of running marketing communications on the cheap is a beguiling one and, sadly, totally incorrect. It is also a piece of thinking that is increasingly common. In fact, using social media for marketing is time consuming, expensive and dangerous. The Internet is filled with examples of […]
Radio Gaga

Radio is probably the most undervalued advertising/communication medium of the lot: something of a shame, it’s one of my favourite ‘legacy’ media… I had always thought of this as a Middle East problem, but apparently it’s the case worldwide. People just won’t invest appropriately in creating compelling executions for radio. I’ve also always believed that […]
Social media predictions

Here are some ‘social media’ predictions for 2009, just for fun. Why social media? Well, my first prediction is that we’re going to see a lot more fuss about ‘social media’ here in the Middle East in 2009. And the trick there will be sorting the wheat from the chaff – because you’re about to […]