To brands that have lost their voice: speak up!

In our new world of audience analysis, consumer behaviour statistics, sentiment research and trend watching, it’s easy to focus too much on analysing and not enough on actually communicating. Even the best marketing insights are wasted knowledge if a brand’s communications are simply too weak to make much difference anyway. Our marketing environment is now […]
Omnichannel marketing changes everything

By now, just about everyone in marketing has heard of the phrase omnichannel marketing. Some are using it as a interchangeable with multichannel marketing or cross-channel marketing, some are not yet sure what omnichannel means and why it is different and some seem to confuse it with marketing automation. First off, omnichannel is really a […]
Trust doesn’t guarantee loyalty

There are no guarantees in life, but, for many brands, winning customer trust is often thought of as a guarantee of success. If someone trusts you, surely you’ve reached the pinnacle of the marketing mountain? And yet, having won that trust, you need to maintain it. Which is where loyalty comes in. Everyone knows it’s […]
Email marketing is alive and kicking

Many in business seem to judge the effectiveness of email marketing according to the volume of SPAM and poorly thought-through sales emails that they receive (or, in some cases, send!). According to Statistica some 57 percent of all email traffic worldwide can be classified as SPAM and there’s no doubt that most of the money […]
Are you building a customer centric website?

No matter how customer focused your organisation is, it can be easy to lose this focus when it comes to developing a new website. Far too often the website planning process becomes the sole prerogative of the marketing team and excludes those that know the most about the company’s customers and their needs: sales and […]
Investing in ad impressions? What a waste…

We’ve always known that some people respond better to advertisements than others. However, more and more research is confirming that the group that responds favourably to advertising is getting smaller and smaller. A top takeaway from Forrester’s recent “The End of Advertising As We Know It” report is that 50% of US online adults actively […]
5 old-world advertising mistakes to avoid

Digital technology has delivered one of the Internet’s great promises to marketing, the democratisation of information, opportunity and capability, allowing any brand to run an effective campaign and punch above its own weight. We’ve had to wait a long time for the pieces to fall into place and there are still puzzles to solve, but […]